Hale Kai Policies
1.A. Reservations - Acceptance and Length of Stay
Guest Reservations for a particular unit shall only be accepted as made by the party responsible for payment and shall not be transferrable.
Upon making a reservation, Guests shall be required to acknowledge and agree to be bound by our Rental Terms and Conditions by either checking a box to this effect as part of making an online reservation or otherwise by signing and returning a signed Reservation Confirmation acknowledging the same. Receipt of the signed confirmation shall be required within 14 days of receipt of Guest's deposit, except in the case of reservations beginning within one month, in which case it shall be required within two days. This agreement may returned by email, fax, mail or in person, as long as it is received by the Rental Office within the required interval. If the confirmation is not so received, the reservation shall be cancelled and the deposit returned.
Guest Reservations for stays between 5 and 180 nights in a particular unit may be accepted up to one year in advance. Priority will be given to guests wishing to renew their reservation in accordance with our Return Guest Reservation Policy. Guest Reservations for stays less than 5 nights may be accepted on a limited basis at the discretion of the Rental Manager.
When placed online, Guest Reservations shall be restricted to being placed no more than 320 days in advance of arrival and for a stay between 5 and 30 nights. Guest Reservations for stays outside of these parameters may only be made with the Rental Office in person or over the phone during office hours.
Although Guest Reservations are for a particular unit, units may become unavailable on rare occasions due to factors beyond our control, such as the sale of the unit, the owner leaving our rental group, or emergency repairs. In these cases, we shall offer to accommodate guests in an alternative unit when one to their liking is available. Otherwise we shall return any funds received from the Guest without charging a Cancellation Fee.
Owner Reservations for a unit's owner may be accepted for any length of stay and for any period in the future.
1.B. Deposit and Final Payment
Guest Reservations shall require a $500 deposit to
reserve the unit, (payable by VISA or MasterCard credit card only), with the final balance due 30 days prior to arrival. Except when approved in writing by the Rental Manager, Guest Reservations not paid in full by the Final Deposit Due Date
shall be deemed cancelled seven days after this date.
Payment of the balance of the rental fees and taxes may be made by valid VISA or MasterCard credit cards, electronic check, money order or personal check. In the case of reservations made within 30 days of arrival, the balance shall be due at the same time and in the same manner as the deposit.
1.C. Cancellation
Guest Reservations cancelled more than 30 days in advance shall be subject to a $75 cancellation fee, to be deducted from the deposit prior to its refund.
Guest Reservations cancelled within 30 days of scheduled arrival shall be subject to forfeiture of the entire rental amount unless the unit can be re-booked with another guest for that period. In the latter case, the forfeiture shall be limited to the amount, if any, by which the rent received by the replacement booking falls short of that due with the Rental Agreement. As above, any refund provided under these circumstances shall be subject to a $75 cancellation fee.
In light of the above, Guests may wish to consider purchasing Travel Insurance with Trip Cancellation coverage when arranging their travel.
1.D. Rental Rates
Rental Rates shall include parking for one vehicle, utilities, use of common area amenities, and use of the property's WI-FI network. Rental Rates on bookings do not include the check-out
cleaning fee, which is instead itemized as a separate charge.
Rental Rates shall be based on two occupants for a one bedroom unit, four occupants for a two bedroom unit, and six occupants for a three bedroom unit. When allowed in a particular unit, additional occupants beyond the above will be charged an extra fee per person up to the maximum occupancy allowed for that unit. For these purposes, occupants shall include children, regardless of age.
Rental Rates may vary by season, unit, length of stay and whether booked at the last moment, and may be discounted on occasion from what might normally apply with an owner's written consent.
1.E. Check-In / Check-Out
- Check-In: 4:00 PM on day of arrival
- Check-Out: 10:00 AM on day of departure
These times exist so that we can inspect, clean and re-inspect a unit before its next guest's arrival.
Requests for early check-ins or late check-outs shall be subject to availability and must be received at least 48 hours in advance of arrival or departure, respectively. Guests wishing to ensure that they may check out late are advised to book their unit another night.
Guests failing to vacate their unit by 10:00 AM on the day of their scheduled departure shall be charged a Late Check-Out Fee is $50.00.
On the day of their departure, Guests shall be expected to:
- Dispose of all garbage
- Load and start dishwasher
- Turn off all lights, fans and appliances besides dishwasher and refrigerator
- Close and lock all windows and doors
- Return all keys other than the lockbox key to the rental office, depositing the keys in the mailbox slot if departing outside of office hours
- Inform the office of any items that the Guest may have damaged, broken or lost
1.F. Housekeeping / Maid Service
Units shall be fully cleaned and supplied with fresh linens prior to a guest's
arrival. No additional housekeeping services will be provided during a guest's stay except as described below for stays of 21 nights or more, or as otherwise coordinated with the Rental Office for an additional fee.
Starter supplies including dish detergent, soap, paper towels, trash bags and toilet paper shall be provided. Replenishment of these items during a guest's stay shall be the guest's responsibility.
For continuous stays in one unit of 21 nights or more, guests shall be provided with complimentary maid services according to the following schedule:
- 21-27 nights: 1 complimentary maid service
- 28-34 nights: 2 complimentary maid services
- 35-48 nights: 3 complimentary maid services
- 49-62 nights: 4 complimentary maid services
- 63-76 nights: 5 complimentary maid services
The scope of the maid service shall be limited to that contracted between HKR LLC and its Service Providers. Guests may request services beyond this scope at their own expense.
Guests should contact the Rental Office to order or schedule any maid services.
1.G. Extensive Cleaning / Damage / Lost Property
Each guest's unit shall be inspected prior to arrival to ensure
it ready for the guest's enjoyment, and immediately upon departure to verify that it has not been extensively soiled, damaged or altered, or is missing any of its contents. To avoid being held responsible for pre-existing conditions, guests
should immediately inform the Rental Office of any anomalies they discover upon check-in that may have escaped our notice.
Guests should expect their credit card to be charged under the following circumstances:
Unit found to require
extensive cleaning: an amount equal to the cost to clean the unit beyond the normal cleaning charge
- Unit furnishings damaged or missing: an amount equal to the cost to replace the damaged or missing item
- Unit found to have been altered: an amount equal to the cost to restore the unit to its prior condition
- Lost Beach Towels: $20/towel
- Lost Unit Keys: $25/key
To avoid these charges, Guests should be careful to:
- Treat the unit as they would hope visitors to their own home would treat theirs
- Wash any sand off their feet outside prior to entering the unit
- Wash off any suntan oil/lotion before sitting or lying down on any furniture
- Secure their unit during their stay and upon their departure
- Refrain from removing any furnishings from the unit
- Be certain to return to their unit any items that they may have temporarily taken outside or to another unit such as kitchenware
- Exercise care not to lose any beach towels or keys
- Refrain from altering the unit in any fashion such as rearranging furniture, replacing energy saving light bulbs with incandescent ones, or remounting light fixtures
1.H. House Rules
All occupants of Hale Kai, including its guests, shall be subject
to the Homeowners Association's House Rules, which are located in each unit's guest binder and online. To help ensure a pleasant stay for all guests and residents, Guests should read and observe all rules, in particular, those regarding quiet
hours and proper conduct in the pool.
:: view house rules
1.I. Pets
Pets shall be prohibited in HKR LLC managed units except for bona fide service animals trained to provide assistance to a disabled guest. Guests shall be responsible for any damage or mess
caused by their service animal in accordance with Section 1.G. above.
1.J. Lost or Stolen Belongings
HKR LLC shall not be responsible for items lost or stolen during a guest's stay. Items found after a guest's departure may be returned
upon request subject to the applicable postage fee. Guests should be careful to secure their unit while out and to verify that they have not left any of their belongings in the unit upon their departure.
1.K. Involuntary Termination of
HKR shall reserve the right to terminate a guest's occupancy without refund under the following conditions:
- Unit found to be occupied by more than the number of guests indicated under Total Guests on a guest's Reservation Confirmation
- Unit found to be occupied by a pet other than a bona fide service animal trained to provide assistance to a guest
- Guest persists in violating House Rules after being warned once by HKR
- Guest persists in smoking inside the unit or on its lanai after being warned once by HKR
2. No Smoking Policy
The Hawaii legislature enacted State Law 295, effective November 16, 2006, which prohibits smoking in all enclosed or partially enclosed areas open to the
public. In accordance with this law, all units occupied by guests and managed by HKR LLC have been designated as Non-Smoking Accommodations. Smoking is therefore specifically prohibited inside the guest's unit and on its lanai.
As described and acknowledged in the Rental Agreement, guests that smoke or permit smoking in a HKR, LLC managed unit or on its lanai shall be charged a $400 Smoke Elimination Fee. Please note that HKR, LLC does not manage all units at Hale Kai, and that some units and common areas will not be subject to our control.
3.Return Guest Reservation Policy
Hale Kai Oceanfront Condominiums appreciates our returning guests. It is what gives Hale Kai its feeling of ohana. With that in mind,
Hale Kai would like to assist its returning guests in reserving the unit they are currently staying in for the same time of year and length of stay in the following year.
Current guests will be given priority and may request such a reservation within 5 days of their arrival. If guests would like to make a reservation in the following year for a longer period than their current stay, such request will be subject to the unit's previous and/or next guests decision to request a reservation for the next year.
While Hale Kai will make every effort to welcome our guests back to the same unit, in some instances, the units owner will have already reserved his or her unit for the requested time. In that case, Hale Kai will do its best to give our guest the option of reserving another unit for the following year. In order to preserve our unit owners right to reserve their units, Hale Kai will continue to only accept guest reservations beginning no more than one year in advance.
This policy is strictly intended as a guideline for Hale Kai's office staff in accepting reservations and shall not be construed to confer an exclusive right in any guest to reserve a particular unit at Hale Kai.
To facilitate the office implementing this policy, Hale Kai has restricted Online Reservations to being placed no more than 320 days in advance of arrival and for a stay of no
more than 30 days. Please contact our office to request a reservation outside of these parameters.
4. Review Policy
To help ensure the quality of our accommodations, HKR LLC shall encourage its guests to complete reviews via one or more
of the following methods:
- Via an online survey emailed to guests after their stay by Escapia, our Reservation Management System Provider, for display on our website under the applicable unit's Review tab
- Via a paper based form
To protect the integrity of the reviews displayed on our website, HKR LLC will only remove those that have been attributed to the wrong unit or that are otherwise deemed to have been written in a deliberately malicious manner.
HKR LLC shall encourage and facilitate its owners responding to their own units reviews.